
This is a small data centre with around 500 square metres of space. The facility is primarily intended for ISPs and other organisations that need a lot of connectivity.

To give you a bit of history, an institute that does researches subatomic physics (Nikhef) collaborated with an organisation that provides ICT services to Universities and other educational institutions (Vancis) to host the Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX).

However, hosting here isn't restricted to members of AMS-IX.

With some commercial data centres, you're paying for a really fancy hosting environment, a lot of resilience and a lot of security. Here, you're paying for the location: a key science park where much of Amsterdam's Internet peering takes place.

hSo:Wholesale services available at Nikhef housing


  • Redundant 230v, 50Hz, 16a power feed per 19" rack
  • UPS system: 620kVA of power. Capable of powering full load for up to 5 minutes
  • Backup Generator: 12-cylinder Stamford/Perkins diesel generator
  • Backup Power: Two independent no-break power feeds (A and B)
  • Generator provides 1320 kVA, 1600 hp
  • Generator oil supply: 12000 litres <-- enough to power the data centre for 48 hours


  • CCTV system
  • 24/7 entrance to building with customer-registration
  • 24/7 security on site (campus security)
  • Access is only granted to those on an authorised personnel list or who have been authorised by a designated 'contact person'
  • Visitors must show a valid ID (passport, drivers license and/or company ID card) upon request


  • Approximately 500 sq m of space <-- i.e. it's a small data centre
  • Fire protection
  • Overhead fibre cabling system
  • Air conditioning
  • Shares a campus, building, on-site security and restaurant with SARA

Address and Location

Data Centre Name: 
Science Park 105, 1098 XG Amsterdam
1098 XG

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 020 7847 4550

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